Join Us As We Learn to Garden in the Limestone Hills of Southern Indiana.

The Limestone Daylily Hosta & Garden Plant Society (formerly the Limestone Daylily & Hosta Society) is a community of gardeners dedicated to teaching, learning, and sharing everything there is to know about gardens and garden plants in our little neck of the woods in the beautiful hills of southern Indiana.

The original Limestone Daylily & Hosta Society was established over 20 years ago. When COVID interrupted our normal lives, we suspended our monthly meetings and annual trips to nearby public gardens.

Now that the pandemic has subsided, we have quite happily resumed our monthly meetings. We changed our name to more accurately reflect our interest in all gardens and garden plants. We adopted new bylaws and elected new officers.

We are all looking forward to a fresh start in this new gardening year for our new club. We have already booked upcoming meetings and we are looking forward to putting together day trips to nearby public gardens and public plant events.

Please join us as we gratefully return to our gardens and our gardening friends. Membership is $20 for an individual and $25 for a family and entitles you to reduced prices for our day trips as well as attendance at some member-only garden parties. Our newsletter is free. Make sure to follow us on Facebook for our most recent news.

With best wishes for our best year of gardening!
Sue Speichert